

来源: 管理员






·         个人简介

理学博士,博士生导师,主要从事纳米材料和有机功能的制备与研究。在无机纳米复合材料的光热诊疗、抗菌性能以及静电纺丝、纳米材料SERS性能等方面开展了系统的工作,以第一/通讯作者在ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter.; J. Mater. Sci.; Colloids and Surfaces AMater. Res. Bull.; Mater. Lett.; Mater. Sci. & Eng. C等期刊上发表论文20余篇;同时也从事有机功能材料的研究工作,具备丰富的常规条件及无水无氧超低温条件下的有机合成工作经验,主要从事并噻吩类有机功能材料的设计合成与材料的光谱及电化学行为研究。这部分相关研究成果以第一/通讯作者在Org. Lett.J. Phys. Chem. CJ. Org. Chem.Beilstein J. Org. Chem., Crest. Growth DesSynlett等国内外知名期刊上发表。主持和参与国家级和省部级项目多项;获批授权发明专利多项。


· 2023-至今, 河南大学,化学化工学院,教授

· 2019-2020年,北京大学,裴坚教授课题组,访问学者

· 2012-2014年,美国南达科他州大学,化学系,博士后

· 2010-至今, 河南大学,化学化工学院,副教授

· 2006-2010年,河南大学,化学化工学院,讲师

· 2003-2006年,河南大学,化学化工学院,助教

·         研究方向

1. 聚合物基绿色水处理剂研究

2. 纳米生物材料的制备及性能研究

3. 有机半导体材料的合成及光电性能研究

·         讲授课程


·         研究成果


1.       Junyan Cui, Menghu Wan, Zhihua Wang*, Yanbao Zhao, Lei Sun. Preparation of PAN/SiO2/CTAB Electrospun Nanofibrous Membranes for Highly Efficient Air Filtration and Sterilization. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023321: 124270

2.       Guoxu He, Menghui Wan, Zhihua Wang*, Xi Zhou, Yanbao Zhao, Lei Sun, A simple surface modification method to prepare versatile PVDF electrospun nanofibrous felts for separation, sterilization and degradation. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2023, 182: 107664.

3.       Guoxu He, Menghui Wan, Zhihua Wang*, Yanbao Zhao, Lei Sun. Fabrication of firm, superhydrophobic and antimicrobial PVDF@ZnO@TA@DT electrospun nanofibrous membranes for emulsion separation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023, 662: 130962.         

4.       Minjie Gao, Zehua Han, Zhihua Wang*, Xueyan Zou, Lichao Peng, Yanbao Zhao, Lei Sun. Fabrication of a smart drug delivery system based on hollow Ag2S@mSiO2 nanoparticles for fluorescence-guided synergistic photothermal chemotherapy. Microchimica Acta, 2022, 189(10): 376. 

5.         Minjie Gao, Jiyuan Du, Zehua Han, Zhihua Wang*, Yanbao Zhao, Xueyan Zou, Lei Sun. Precise Preparation of Various Morphological Silver Sulfide Nanostructures, Investigation of Formation Mechanism, and Comparative Study of Photothermal Performance for Cancer Treatment. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2022, 39: 2100240

6.       Haodong Zhao, Yali He, Zhihua Wang *, Yanbao Zhao, Lei Sun. Mussel-inspired fabrication of PDA@PAN electrospun nanofibrous membrane for oil-in-water emulsion separation. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(12), 3434.

7.       Menghui Wan, Haodong Zhao, Zhihua Wang*, Xuanyan Zou, Yanbao Zhao, Lei Sun*. Fabrication of Ag modified SiO2 electrospun nanobrous membranes as ultrasensitive and high stable SERS substrates for multiple analytes detection. Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 2021, 42: 100428.

8.       Minjie Gao, Haodong Zhao, Zhihua Wang*, Xueyan Zou, Yanbao Zhao, Lei Sun*. Controllable preparation of Ag2S quantum dots with size-dependent fluorescence and cancer photothermal therapy. Advanced Powder Technology, 2021, 32(6): 1972-1982.

9.       Yan Yang, Zhijie Zhang, Yali He, Zhihua Wang*, Yanbao Zhao, Lei Sun*. Fabrication of Ag@TiO2 electrospinning nanofibrous felts as SERS substrate for direct and sensitive bacterial detection. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 273: 600-609.

10.   Di Tian, Zhiying Ma, Luomeng Gu, Congsheng Zhou, Chunli Li, Zhihua Wang,* Hua Wang. Isomerically Fused Benzo[i]dithiophenephenazine and Benzo[i]diselenophenephenazine: Synthesis, Crystal Packing, and Density Functional Theory Calculations. Crystal Growth & Design., 2020, 20 (7), 44794490.  

11.  Anjaneyulu Putta, Jeffery D. Mottishaw, Zhihua Wang, Haoran Sun. Rational Design of Lamellar π-π Stacked Organic Crystalline Materials with Short Interplanar Distance. Crystal Growth & Design., 2014, 14, 350-356.

12.  Zhihua Wang, Anjaneyulu Putta, Jeffery D. Mottishaw, Qiang Wei, Hua Wang, and Haoran Sun. Molecular Origin of Isomerization Effects on Solid State Structures and Optoelectronic Properties: A Comparative Case Study of Isomerically Pure Dicyanomethylene Substituted Fused Dithiophenes. J. Phys. Chem. C., 2013,117, 1675916768.

13.  Zhihua Wang, Jianwu Shi, Xinyong Tian,Li Xu, Chunli Li, Hua Wang. Syntheses and Crystal Structures of 2,7-Di(trimethylsilyl)thieno[3,2-e]benzothiophene, 1,2,5,6(5)- Tetra(trimethylsilyl)-1,2,5,6(2,3)-tetrathiophenacyclooctaphan-3(Z), 7(Z)-diene and 2,7-Di(trimethylsilyl)- thieno[3,2-e]benzothiophene-4-ol. J. Hetercycl. Chem., 2013, 50, 1020-1024.

14.  Xinming Liu,Panpan Yu, Li Xu, Juanjuan Yang, Jianwu Shi, Zhihua Wang, Yanxiang Cheng, Hua Wang. Synthesis for the Mesomer and Racemate of Thiophene-based Double Helicene under Irradiation. J. Org. Chem., 2013,78, 6316-6321.

15.  Zhihua Wang, Jianwu Shi, Jiange Wang, Chunli Li, Xinyong Tian, Yanxiang Cheng, Hua Wang. Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Hexathia[7]helicene and Naphthalene Cored Double Helicene.Org. Lett., 2010,12, 456-459.


1.    国家自然科学基金委员会-河南省人民政府联合基金,U1604126,同分异构并噻吩n-型半导体分子的设计合成与场效应晶体管特性研究,起止年月:2017/01-2019/1250万,主持。

2.    河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划,17A150003,含氟类稠合并噻吩n-型半导体材料的 设计合成与性能研究,起止年月:2017/01-2018/125万,主持。

3.    2017年度河南省科技攻关计划,172102210015基于并噻吩的线型和枝状小分子有机太阳能电池给体材料的合成及性能研究,起止年月:2017/01-2018/1210万,主持。

4.    第五十批中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2011M501176,基于并噻吩的新型全有机染料的合成与光电转换性能研究,起止年月:2012/1-2013/123万,主持。


1. 发明名称: “一种噻吩大环化合物及其衍生物的制备方法”, 王华、王阳光、王治华、徐莉、王勇. 专利号: ZL 200710054833.6, 授权公告日期: 2010.10.9

2. 发明名称: “二噻吩并[2,3-b:3,2-d]噻吩的制备方法”, 王华、王阳光、王振、王治华、赵东锋、赵春梅. 专利号: ZL 200710054834.0, 授权公告日期: 2010.12.1

3. 发明名称: “一种对称的含二硫键化合物的制备方法”, 王华*、田新勇、王治华、李 春丽、吴伟、徐莉、史建武. 专利号: ZL 200910064127.9, 授权公告日期: 2012.8.15

4. 发明名称: “二噻吩并[3,4-b:3,4-d]噻吩的制备方法”, 王华*、王振、徐莉、李宗耀、徐坤、史建武、王治华、李春丽. 专利号: ZL 200910064380.4, 授权公告日期: 2011.06.15



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